
Due to Rescheduling, The Current Schedule is Provisional and Subject to Change in the Next Few Days

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  • Day 1

    April 20, 2019

  • Learn to walk on the tightrope of using gamification effectively to create immersive human-centred solutions.

  • Understanding your stakeholders is key to good design and business. Can we implement some of our existing techniques to understand stakeholders better?

  • Learn to focus and use sensory input and brain coordination by moulding clay for a morning of fun, creativity and important lessons on how your brain works.

  • An interactive exercise to help you make crucial business and design decisions. Learn the art of the design sprint from those who pioneered it.

  • Learn to create and develop higher levels of immersion in telling your stories using the magic of Virtual Reality.

  • Learn how to take your ideas to the next level by bringing them to a level that potential backers and producers understand. A key skill for wherever you are in your design journey.

  • Day 2

    April 21, 2019